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A community dedicated to Bitcoin, the currency of the Internet. Bitcoin is a distributed, worldwide, decentralized digital money. Bitcoins are issued and managed without any central authority whatsoever: there is no government, company, or bank in charge of Bitcoin. At 2018-04-16 (about 1 month ago) I sent 300 XLR (Solaris) to my Kucoin account from, yes, the coins are just "vanished". But this is not the whole story, there are lots of shady things going on with this exchange. is a scam! 5 days ago i have sended some bitcoins from Binance to Coinexchange and after 5 days i have still didn't received all my bitcoins.. If i watch my address of Coinexchange on the blockchain i have received 0.779 bitcoins with 500 confirmations but on my withdrawal history i only received 0.500 bitcoins and am missing 0 Remember the trollbox? Oh man, that was something. Back in the days, I rode a coin called UFO from 4 sats to 40 sats (Well to be exact the coin went to 40+ sats, but I was too dumb to sell at those prices and exited at around 20 sats). Healthcare should be in the hands of the people. We are making a completely new blockchain concept for the dental industry. The whole project is built by professionals in the dentistry field that have more than 20 years of experience with a focus on making the lives easier for patients and dentists. CoinExchange is both good and bad when it comes to cryptocurrency trading. If you’re seeking to pick up a small amount of extremely obscure altcoins, such as Aspers or Antimatters, the is a good place to start. The CoinExchange platform also offer a highly accurate Bitcoin exchange rate for each coin. r/LINXcoin: Blockchain based platform and digital currency for the electronic music scene. What is LINX? At it's core LINX is a cryptocurrency, like …

LABH是什么币?LABH币全称Labh Coin,LABH是一种主要的证明(PoS)硬币,它使用Scypt算法,在固定间隔的LABH和超级块的PoS系统中具有高固定的年回报率(APR)。任何人都可以利用这个高回报的投资平台! POS硬币 PoS允许您在钱包中铸造新硬币以获得硬币,因为成为LABH区块链网络的一部分而获得奖励。

不得不说,这个cpp-ethereum的项目是挺好的一个项目,是前以太坊的首席信息技术官开发的,作为三大组件eth负责底层网络,AlethZero负责图形化客户端,MIX负责区块链开发,非常好用,但他走后,先是AlethZero被边缘化直到被抛弃,然后是MIX项目被终止,估计以后eth这个底层网络软件也会被慢慢的变成 … 【Reddit Notifier Chrome插件】Reddit Notifier Chrome插件下载_ …


Energi 生日! 4月14日,Energi一岁生日!为了庆祝这一里程碑,我们在Discord#Energi-Rain频道全天赠送了1000个NRG。其中,超过1000人在频道中。感谢所有过来庆祝这个特殊日子的成员。我们将继续每天在我们的Rain频道赠送NRG(较小),请务必加入我们的Discord! 我们还撰写了一篇文章,回顾了Energi去 …

BitBoost(BBT币)是什么?区块链软件公司bitboost的形成是为了开发一个去中心化的市场。 bitboost正在推出其应用程序 “the block”,这是一个基于以太坊区块链智能合约协议的去中心化电子商务平台。the block完全以代码形式重新创建了诸如 ebay 和 amazon 等主要电子商务公司的全球基础架构。

Mar 07, 2018 超过1000个加密货币项目已经“死亡” – 链众财经 Home 所有文章 交易指南 超过1000个加密货币项目已经“死亡” Dashlane发布2018加密货币交易所密码安全排名 币安未进前十_详 … Dashlane是全球知名的密码管理器应用程序,他们最近检测了35个全球领先的加密货币交易所的密码协议,发现这些交易所中70%的用户使用的密码安全 区块链历史公开课-GuiBi 从浅入深,了解区块链基础知识,学习项目挖掘及交易技巧。7x24不间断实时图文直播,跟踪研判币圈走势。 -GuiBi( is an online altcoin exchange focussed on ease of use, security and customer support.

主流市场连续走高,合约是玩还是停?期现货如何配置?如何避免爆仓?“Bitget产品合伙人 张威”与“北大区块链俱乐部左老师”将做客直播间,探讨时下最热话题【合约交易的坑,他们不敢告… DOGE币/狗币未来前景如何?狗币交易所和亮点介绍-币圈子 第三,人气指数比较高,有数据表明在reddit狗币社区关注度超过7.5万,远远的超过了LTC,而BTC五年的时间,才12万的关注度。有比较广泛的应用在支持大量国外网站在接受BTC支付的同时,都支持狗币支付;成交量上的一个佐证。 加密货币小额支付服务TipJar将在2020年第一季度关闭_通证经济_ …

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