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Vicor Electronics股票价格


DCDC模块电源产业市场研究报告 - jz.docin.com豆丁建筑 居民消费价格指数,在2003年转负为正。2004年,居民消费价格指数和社会零售价 格指数,都将呈现一定程度的上涨趋势。虽然目前尚不会出现太大的通货膨胀,但 由多种因素引起的价格上涨,应该引起我们 … vicor - 21ic中国电子网 PowerTablet RFMTM 助力实现高密度服务器机架 日前,Vicor 公司(NASDAQ 股票交易代號:VICR)宣布推出一款三相 AC-DC 转换器模块 (RFM),其采用 9.4 x 5.9 x 0.6 英寸(24 x 15 x 1.5 厘米)的平板电源配置,可提供 10kW 的稳压 48VDC。 保荐机构(主承销商) (北京市建国门内大街28 号民生金融中心a 座16-18 层)shenzhen jingquanhua electronics co.,ltd.(深圳市龙华新区观澜街道陂头吓社区新 证明自己,vicor技术问题测试问卷,等您来挑战!好礼等您拿! 挑战极限,你敢看吗?下载文档+观看视频,了解航空和政府应用解决方案; 极简主义,足不出户,看东芝在线展会,安心答题送好礼! 你敢评,我敢送!


High-performance modular power systems achieve higher levels of flexibility and scalability than ground-up custom designs. Our continual advances in power distribution architectures, conversion topologies and packaging technology will keep you ahead in system efficiency and density, converting and managing power from the source to the point-of-load. Find the best pricing for Vicor 21510 by comparing bulk discounts from 2 distributors. Octopart is the world's source for 21510 availability, pricing, and technical specs and other electronic parts. 提供IEC Electronics Corp(IEC)股票的行情走势、五档盘口、逐笔交易等实时行情数据,及IEC Electronics Corp(IEC)的资讯、公司公告、研究报告、行业研报、F10资料、行业资讯、资金流分析、阶段涨幅、所属板块、财务指标、机构观点、行业排名、估值水平、股吧互动等与IEC Electronics Corp(IEC)有关的信息和服务。 Vicor’s markets include enterprise and high performance computing, telecommunications and network infrastructure, industrial equipment and automation, vehicles and transportation and aerospace and defense electronics. Vicor’s headquarters and world-class manufacturing is in Andover, MA, USA.

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Find the best pricing for Vicor 21510 by comparing bulk discounts from 2 distributors. Octopart is the world's source for 21510 availability, pricing, and technical specs and other electronic parts.

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